Ditch the idea of “perfect” motherhood, and mom differently.

Changing the narrative around modern motherhood. Therapy for Millennial and Gen Z moms and birthing people in Ohio who are tired of feeling burnt out, anxious, overstimulated, irritated, disconnected and resentful of the mental load and are ready to find joy by embracing their “good enough” selves.

Maybe you’re carrying the overwhelming burden of the invisible mental load of motherhood… 

  • Before kids it all seemed fine but now you are suffocating under the mounting pressure of the mental to-do lists, the planning, the organizing and you’ve become resentful that your partner is not recognizing just how many cards you are holding?

  • Are you asking permission to take a shower and then becoming enraged that you even have to ask (because really, you shouldn’t need to ask)?

  • Are you in a cycle where your partner is constantly saying “just tell me how I can help with the kids” and those words immediately make you shut down or lash out?

  • Are you tired of making the damn lists and being in charge of all the calendars?

  • Are you struggling to communicate what you need in a way that is effective, respects your boundaries and can be understood by your partner?

Or you are struggling in the first year postpartum.

  • Did your friends help you craft a perfect baby registry, but forgot to tell you about the sometimes graphic intrusive thoughts that flood your brain on the regular and you’re scared something is wrong with you?

  • You love your baby but you miss your old life and are worried that maybe you weren’t cut out to be a mom?

  • You think saying the scary thoughts out loud must mean you’re a bad mom?

  • The lack of parental leave policies means you are going back to work WAY sooner than you want to in order to make ends meet?

  • Your mood is off, your anxieties have anxiety and this is not at all what you thought being a new mom was supposed to be like?

  • You bought that $99 course on the internet that was supposed to solve all your problems but now you’re fearful that if you deviate at all from their rigid, 17 step plan that your kid will never sleep or eat again?

Or you are raising tiny humans.

  • Have you consumed all of the gentle parenting content to be found on Instagram and TikTok and you still yell more than you want to?

  • Are you resonating with the term “mom rage” but you aren’t sure if that’s what it is or what you’re supposed to do about it?

  • Struggling to find your parenting values in a sea of “expert” opinions and automatic neural responses?

  • Didn’t realize how exhausting being a cycle breaker was going to be or how much it would piss off your parents in the process?

  • Is your idea of self care getting to eat a French fry from the bottom of the takeout bag and have it still be warm-ish?

  • Are you starting to realize that maybe some of the rage you feel is because societal expectations and norms tell you that being a “good mom” means sacrificing and losing your identity in order to put every else’s needs first?

You’re looking for support for your fertility or loss journey…

  • Is the whole world getting pregnant around you and every month you’re squinting to see if maybe, just maybe there is actually a faint line on that test?

  • Got pregnant a little too easily and now the line on the test is bringing panic instead of joy?

  • Maybe you were just told there is something wrong with the baby and you’re about to be faced with impossible choices and you aren’t sure what the right decision is for your family?

  • You’ve just given yourself what feels like the millionth shot and you’re starting to wonder if this is all going to be worth it in the end?

  • Are you about to scream if one more (probably well-meaning) person looks at you and says “well at least you can get pregnant!” as if that’s supposed to actually make you feel better?

  • You’re just coming up for air after hearing the doctor say there is no heartbeat?

  • Instead of the rumored “pregnancy glow” you ended up with acne for the first time in over a decade, parts of your body you didn’t even know existed hurt and you haven’t kept a meal down in weeks?

  • Maybe nothing is “wrong” but everything still sucks?

  • You’re noticing some shifty moods and you’re starting to have anxiety about delivery, or bringing the baby home and you aren’t quite sure you’re ready to lose your whole identity yet?

  • Your birth preferences went out the window and you’re grieving the loss of how you thought it would be and navigating what feels like a traumatic birth?

  • Didn’t get that warm fuzzy feeling when you locked eyes with your baby for the first time and now you’re convinced you’re a terrible mom? (Spoiler: You aren’t!)

…or through your pregnancy.

If you find yourself looking around and wondering “what the f*ck have I gotten myself into,” I can help.

Hi, I’m Ashley! I specialize in helping Millennial and Gen Z moms and birthing people see that they’re not failing, but society is failing them and there’s something they can do about it!

I’d love to join your village so you can feel a little less alone and a lot more empowered to take back your motherhood journey! 

“If we keep passing down the legacy of martyrdom to our daughters, with whom does it end? Which woman ever gets to live? And when does the death sentence begin? At the wedding altar? In the delivery room? Whose delivery room—our children’s or our own? When we call martyrdom love we teach our children that when love begins, life ends. This is why Jung suggested: There is no greater burden on a child than the unlived life of a parent.

― Glennon Doyle, Untamed